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Welcome to

Art 10

This course provides serious young artists with an opportunity to explore their potential in a variety of media. Emphasis is placed in drawing, design and composition. While students may have started a visual journal in the grade 9 course, a stronger emphasis will be place on the process portion of each project. The use of the SB is encouraged both in and out of the studio, as we try to train ourselves to see the world though the eyes on an artist, and to find an appreciation for the aesthetic world around us. This course is designed to not only explore ideas and materials, but to also introduce students to a little bit of Art History. 

Where do my marks come from for this class?

40% will come from your work in the Research and Process of your projects. This will be your work in the sketchbook prior to starting the final piece for each unit:

       Research - Initial collecting of ideas - drawings, photocopies, photographs, other artists…etc.

       Process - How do you work out your ideas using the research?

60% will make up the rest of your mark from the following criteria:

       Composition - What did you decide to keep in or out of the frame? Does the final arrangement work well?

       Technical Skills - This is specific for each project depending on the materials.

       Care and Effort - Time taken within the SB and final piece, pride taken in what you doing.

       Creativity - The out of the box ideas that are still thoughtful - makes you smile a little bit

​Things to remember for each class:

  • Bring the right materials to class – you’ll need your sketchbook and pencils.

  • Only touch your own work – Someone's work may be very fragile or still wet.

  • Take care of your work! You are responsible for making sure you put it away each

  • Respect our workspace! It's okay for messes to happen… we just need to make sure we clean them up.

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Intro to E&p

The Elements & Principles of Design

Here we are looking at the visual rules of the world of art! 

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Mark-making Materials!

Using drawing materials to capture highlights, lowlights, & texture. 



Get yo Van Gogh on!

Get your paintbrush ready capture nature's natural beauty!

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Lino Print

You'll have to think backwards for this...

Make sure you find just the right highlights to make you print pop!

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Let your dreams run wild...

...Literally! Anything goes in this S. Dali inspired project!

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Graphic design with paint

Work in a stylized, posterish approach to this beautiful matte material!

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