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through mixed media

collage, create, find a voice. 

What do I need to do for this project?

This project is split into 3 main parts... 

1. The first is to experiment with India ink on newsprint with cedar bark... there are no mistakes mark-make, mark-make, mark-make!

2. You're going to select a few specific areas that interest you.

3. Take these designs/patterns, and experiment with combinations - keeping in mind the E&P of D! 

4. Once you have your final composition chosen, you're going to recreate it on good paper. 

5. Last step is to include a shape of colour that works with your design (you can photocopy your step 4, and experiment on here!).

6. Make sure everything is documented in your SB, and fill out your marking sheet - this goes in you SB at the start of the project.




How will this be evaluated?

This project will use the 'Self Evaluation' sheet that can be downloaded by clicking the button below.

Keep in mind to use the comment section to talk yourself into more marks.. Can you see what worked and what didn't?

Under Construction.png

Student Exaples:


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